Ezmelt Icemelt 10KG
Ezmelt Icemelt 10KG
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Scotts EZMELT Ice Melter

SKU # 245024   
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  • Specifications +
  • Features
Scotts EZMELT Ice Melter
- Thanks to a combination of two powerful ice-melting pellets, Scotts® ezMelt® helps you achieve no ice with no mess – and way faster than most other ice-melting products. Plus, it’s effective in temperatures as low as -31oC and helps prevent refreezing, which means less damage to your sidewalks, driveways and landscapes when used as directed. Tough on ice, easy on everything else – that’s ezMelt.
• Helps prevent and remove snow and ice build-up quickly and effectively
• Organic infused salt pellets accelerate melting and inhibit corrosion
• Pelletized calcium chloride initiates melting in temperatures as low as -31oC
• Works 33% faster than rock salt and other leading ice-melt product • No rock or sand fillers added, so no mess to track indoors • 10 kg bag

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